Corporate Sponsors

One of the ongoing goals of Roselle’s Dream Foundation will be to secure and to maintain sponsorships from corporations in order to accomplish the endeavors of the foundation. Our goal is to involve sponsoring corporations in the efforts of the foundation including educating corporations about blindness to encourage them to hire capable and qualified blind persons. Corporate sponsorships will also be used to conduct educational efforts and support Michael speaking tours in places and to organizations that could not otherwise pay Michael to come and speak. Most elementary schools, high schools, some colleges and many smaller companies and nonprofits do not have a budget to bring in a speaker of Mike’s caliber and status. One possible benefit to a corporate sponsor willing to support Michael Hingson’s efforts is the ability to donate to Roselle’s Dream Foundation instead of hiring Mike through his for-profit company, the Michael Hingson Group, Ink. Roselle’s Dream Foundation can receive donations and pay a portion of those donations to Mike’s company for his services.

There are many benefits to sponsors who will assist the foundation and Michael in these efforts. Benefits include making a tax deductible contribution to Roselle’s Dream Foundation to support Mike’s speaking, visibility on both the foundation and the Michael Hingson Group Inc. website, recognition and acknowledgement at Michael Hingson’s talks, opportunities to participate with Mike at various community and organizational events and opportunities to create videos with Mike that will be visible in the media, just to name but a few.

If you are a part of an organization that supports non profit organizations, I’d like to personally invite you to consider Roselle’s Dream Foundation.

Our mission is to not only educate the general public about blindness, but your donations will help assist blind children, and later blind adults, in getting the technology they can use to aid them in learning and working in the world.

Michael Hingson and Roselle Under Tree

Michael Hingson and Roselle

My commitment is to come along side organizations who have  similar values and impart my experiences, insights and inspiration to your team.

I am available to speak at your annual events or team building meetings with a donation to Roselle’s Dream Foundation.

Please fill out the contact form for more information.